Saturday, March 3, 2007

Adam Zagajewski again...

That's Sicily

At night we sailed past shadowed,
enigmatic shores. Far off, the huge leaves
of hills swayed like a giant's dreams.
Waves slapped the boat's wood,
a warm wind kissed the sails,
stars rushed, helter-skelter,
to tell the history of the world.
That's Sicily, someone whispered,
three-cornered island, owl's breath,
handkerchief of the dead.

One small, whole poem, representative of so much of what I've loved reading this collection. Having flown over Italy, having seen maps, having climbed to the deck of a ferry at five o'clock in the morning to see a red sky rising over this ancient island, having in mind Whitman's "handkerchief of the lord, a scented gift and remembrancer designedly dropped," I think I see what the poem suggests. Regardless, I am full of gratitude for these ten lines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i enjoy this poem, too. and i love being able to read the whole thing and then understand your comments more fully.

i also enjoy the variation between letters to poets and your own comments.

was that posted at 627 am eastern time?
